Sustainable SEO: We help you to succeed in Google permanently. SEO continues to be the most cost-effective marketing channel. We help you to optimize on a sustainable, effective and future-proof way.

SEO Agency

We are your reliable, competent SEO agency. SEO continues to be the most sustainable and cheapest online marketing channel. Your well optimized organic traffic can exceed your paid traffic many times. We are happy to advise you in the SEO area and help you with website optimization to get the most out of your online presence on Google. SEO should play a central role in your marketing.

SEO Expertise - a professional SEO analysis of your website

As part of an SEO report (also known as "SEO study"), we analyze your website for all important OnPage and OffPage ranking factors, as well as current algorithms that could affect your rankings. We'll provide you with a complete report on your current keyword rankings, the status of all key ranking factors, and the potential of your website in your industry. In addition, you get individual, creative suggestions for improvement to position your page further up, over the portals of your competitors. Our SEO analysis is not limited to your portal. We research new keywords for you and simply provide you with the following instructions to create new content (or modify existing content). In addition, we monitor your SEO competition through an ongoing analysis which of your competitors. This often gives a valuable insight into the tactics used in your industry and this will further help to foster your success. Often we are also able to capture certain actions and techniques throughout an ongoing analysis that are easy to implement and which will have an immediate impact on your business.

SEO content creation

Content is one of the most important ranking factors in Google. Studies have shown that the way your keywords are integrated into your content can have a positive but also a negative impact on your Google rankings. The algorithm used by Google to determine your relevance to a specific search term are very complex. The frequency of search terms in your text relative to the length of the text is a value used by many agencies to optimize text. This metric is also known as Keyword Density. However, it has long been known that this simplistic relevance calculation is only used by very rudimentary search engines, but not by Google, Bing, Amazon or Youtube. Well-established search engines analyze not only your text, but the entire corpus of search results that mention a term. This will identify patterns and averages against which your website will be rated. The goal in the creation of SEO content is not only to create a text with a certain number of keywords, but to create the best text on a specific topic. The length of the text is also an important ranking factor.

Another important factor is the uniqueness and expertise of your texts. Text content is considered by Google to be particularly relevant if it not only contains the search term, but also contains related terms. This is the mathematical proof of the relevance of the text. Therefore, it is usually not possible to rank with an irrelevant text for a search term just because the search term was artificially built into the text.

These and other factors are identified individually for your website and your target keyword as part of a WDF * IDF analysis, and with this in mind, we create legible, value-added content for the reader that includes not only the target keyword but also related relevant terms proving page relevance.

Linkbuilding / OffPage

Link building is the basis of the Google search engine and surprisingly has changed very little over the years. It is possible to rank a page with little content but many qualitative and authoritative links. In contrast, a page with perfect content without links can not rank. Link building is the hard-to-manipulate, external reputational factor that Google analyzes to determine the authority of your website. While content is important so that Google can understand what your web page should rank for, the location of your ranking is determined primarily by your link profile.

In recent years, Google has taken a lot of action to stem paid link building. Links that Google considers to be inferior or manipulative are automatically ignored or, in extreme cases, such links can also lead to a ranking reduction or manual or algorithmic punishment (SEO Penalty). Therefore, it is important to approach link building very carefully, strategically and, above all, individually, as the main lever for the most effective marketing channel. Above all, networks that sell links and not individually build for you represent a major threat to the future of your company. Ranking devaluations of Google can be repealed, which is associated with very high costs and often months or even years needed. During this time, your company experiences big losses in sales. At the same time, large investments are needed to lift the sentence. We therefore strongly advise against buying links from large agencies that work with a network, because for Google it is very easy and attractive to have these networks listed centrally and to rank all related domains in the ranking, for which there are many well-known examples. Often, the biggest SEO providers in Europe are also those who are struggling with most of Google's punishments. We are proud to have already removed several major penalties from other agencies for our clients and have not yet released a single punishment.

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